Saira Lakhan
Ms. Saira Lakhan studied law at the University of the West Indies, at both the St. Augustine and Cave Hill Campuses, where she graduated with Honours in 2008. In 2010, Ms. Lakhan graduated from the Hugh Wooding Law School, St. Augustine, where she obtained her Legal Education Certificate and placed on the Principal’s Roll of Honour.
In October 2010, Ms. Lakhan was admitted to the Bar of Trinidad and Tobago and in April 2019 Ms. Lakhan was called to the bar as a Barrister and Solicitor in the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis. Since then she has provided legal representation in a wide range of matters in civil jurisdiction of the Trinidad and Tobago Courts, most notably in family law, industrial law, land law, estate law and commercial law. Indeed, Ms. Lakhan has appeared before the High Court, the Industrial Court, the Tax Appeal Board, the Court of Appeal in Trinidad and Tobago, and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.
In 2019, Ms. Lakhan obtained a Masters in Business Administration with Merit from the Anglia Ruskin University, United Kingdom. Ms. Lakhan is also a certified mediator with the Mediation Board of Trinidad and Tobago and she is an arbitrator with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in the United Kingdom. Ms. Lakhan also has specialized training in civil and family mediation.
Ms. Lakhan is presently the Treasurer of the Assembly of Southern Lawyers, a Senior Ordinary Member of the Law Association of Trinidad and Tobago, a member of the International Bar Association and a member of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association.
Ms. Lakhan is a Rotarian attached to Rotary International and she is a Board Member of the Rotary Club of Felicity/Charlieville.