CLA News / Borneo Rainforest Law Conference session report: environmental good governance, rule of law entry points for climate change and environmental capital


The post-lunch dip posed no challenge to the engaging speakers in our second plenary for the day.

Chaired by Dr Peter Maynard KC, CLA President, our panellists unpacked indicators for rule of law in the environmental context.

Henry Cornwell (Counsel, ADB) explored the elements of rule of law mapped the correlation between strong rule of law and environmental performance. These can be seen in practice in projects such as Sri Lanka’s water sector reform and the Jiangsu Yancheng Wetlands Protection Project.

View Henry’s presentation here.

Gaythri Raman (LexisNexis) challenged the audience about how effective environmental laws are in practice. She contrasted the impact of environmental protection in countries that simply recognize it through domestic legislation compared with those where it is constitutionally enshrined.

View Gaythri’s presentation here.

Dr Srirak Plipat (World Justice Project) described how and why environmental rule of law should be measured based on the premise that we cannot improve what we cannot measure. He detailed the research methodology WJP has used to measure environmental rule of law in Latin America. This approach identified key issues to strengthen environmental governance and support socio-economic development.

View Srirak’s presentation here.

Laurie Pawlitza

CLA Vice President Americas