CLA News / Notice to Vote for CLA Council 2022 – 2024
Notice is hereby given that voting for all CLA members to vote for their new Council will open at 12 midnight GMT on Wednesday 18th January 2022.
Further to the Constitutional changes to expand the representation on Council for the new term 2022 -2024, and the subsequent call for nominations that closed on 15th September we are pleased to announce that the e-voting system for Council members will be opening soon. We are delighted at the response from the membership that has come from this expanded process and encourage you all to participate in the increased opportunity this vote provides for your involvement in shaping the future of CLA. Please note the following:
- Voting will remain open for 3 days and close at 11.59pm GMT on Friday 20th January.
- The e-voting platform will be open for viewing only from Monday 10th January 2022.
- All members in good standing with the Association are eligible to vote for the candidates in all the Commonwealth countries, not just in their own jurisdiction.
- In order to vote members will need to login to their membership account to access the voting platform:
- Within the members area there is a voting button that will allow you to see all nominations and vote for those seats that are contested.
- A reminder will be sent the day before voting opens.
Thank you for your engagement!