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AI and Ethics in Intellectual Property

18th January 2024
  • Overview of AI in intellectual property law, including its benefits and drawbacks
  • Ethical considerations in using AI in intellectual property law, such as ensuring accuracy, avoiding plagiarism, and protecting intellectual property rights
  • Best practices for using AI ethically in intellectual property law, such as training personnel and conducting regular audits

Practical examples:

Use of AI tools such as natural language processing and machine learning to analyse patent applications and identify potential infringements.

Ensuring the accuracy and integrity of AI tools used in intellectual property law, including avoiding plagiarism and protecting intellectual property rights.

Examining the role of human ingenuity and creativity in the patent process when considering AI-generated inventions.

Time: 8.00am EST / 9.00am EDT / 10.00am ADT / 1.00 pm London GMT / 2.00pm WAT / 3.00pm CAT / 4.00pm EAT / 6.30pm IST / 9.00pm HKT & MYT

Date: Wednesday 13th March 2024

M Georgia Gibson Henlin CD, KC
Florence Kankindi

Hasan Irfan Khan

Register here

The series comprises an additional 2 episodes exploring  the role of AI cross practice as follows:

  • Episode 6 April 2024 : AI and Ethics in Access to Justice

*Certificate of Attendance given on request*