Join CALRAS’ international conference on law reform on 4th March 2023 in Goa
The Commonwealth Association of Law Reform Agencies (CALRAS) warmly invites all colleagues from the international legal community who are interested in law reform to register for a one day conference to be held at the Cidade de Goa hotel on 4th March 2023.
Open to all irrespective of membership, CALRAS encourages colleagues who may attend the 23rd Commonwealth Law Conference from 5th-9th March in Goa, to consider incorporating this additional opportunity for discussion and networking.
With the Cidade de Goa hotel being a CLC23 Conference hotel, the possibly of attending this one day event is a very accessible and attractive propositions for delegates keen to maximise the possibilities of a visit to Goa.
The Conference will provide an opportunity for law reformers to meet in person again, and reflect on the work and future of CALRAs, and discuss practical issues for law reform.
CALRAs is hosting and paying for this conference, so on this occasion there is no conference fee. Delegates will be responsible for arranging and paying for their own travel and accommodation. To register to attend, please complete and return the attached registration form.
If you are attending the CALRAs conference only, not the CLC also, and wish to stay at the Cidade Hotel then contact the Cidade Hotel direct on book.cidade@seleqtionshotels.com and quote the CALRAs conference.
Register here