Laura Chetcuti Dimech

Laura Chetcuti Dimech is currently in her third year of studies in law, reading for a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) degree with the Faculty of Laws of the University of Malta. She has successfully completed studies in criminal law, constitutional law, administrative law, and human rights law, amongst others. Her main subject of interest is public law.
Laura is actively engaged in student activism. She has served for two years on the executive committee of the Malta Law Students’ Society. During her first term, she served as Moot Court Officer and was responsible for organising various moot courts for law students, mostly held within the premises of the Law Courts and presided over by sitting or retired members of the Maltese Judiciary. She organised moots on subjects including cybercrime, criminal law, human rights, and administrative law. The human rights moot court was organised in collaboration with Law Society of Ireland and was presided over by the current Maltese Judge on the European Court of Human Rights and two former Maltese Judges sitting on the same Court. She currently occupies the role of Vice-President of the Society, where she is heavily involved in all activities of the Society and in discussions with other stakeholders within the justice system.
Outside of her studies, Laura leads an active sports life. She trains both football and power lifting. She also enjoys film photography.