Brian Speers

Brian is a Council member of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association and a member of the Executive Committee.
At the Commonwealth Law Conference in Livingstone, Zambia in 2019 he was elected as President of the CLA.
In 2010 – 11 he served as President of the Law Society of Northern Ireland. He is now Treasurer of the Law Society of Northern Ireland.
Brian practices as a solicitor in Belfast, Northern Ireland where he is managing partner of CMG Cunningham Dickey Solicitors. He works mostly in property development transactions which include site acquisition and financing, planning and development.
He is one of the most experienced legal mediators in Northern Ireland.
He has devised and teaches the ADR and mediation training programme for solicitors, barristers and judges run by the Institute of Professional Legal studies at Queen’s University, Belfast. He is the Chair of the Law Society Mediation Service administered by the Law Society of Northern Ireland.
He is a long-time member of the Education Committee and has undertaken vocational training review for qualification as a solicitor in Northern Ireland.
Brian has been interviewed on various print and broadcast media about mediation and has written extensively about mediation particularly in the journal of the Law Society of Northern Ireland. He has contributed the chapter on Mediation in Northern Ireland for a book – Mediation in the EU. He was on the Mediation sub Committee for the Review of Civil Justice in Northern Ireland conducted by Lord Justice Gillen and was the UK nominated mediation expert to the CCBE (Bar Associations across Europe) for their publication of a guide to mediation for lawyers.