Peter D. Maynard KC

Peter D. Maynard is the CLA President.
He is Senior Partner of Peter D. Maynard Counsel & Attorneys, a full-service commercial firm. His preferred areas of practice include complex civil litigation, and asset tracing and recovery. Having practiced for more than 40 years, he is also an arbitrator and mediator and engaged in the training of the next generation of lawyers, as Head of the Law Department of the University of The Bahamas.
He acted as a High Court Justice; Deputy Chair, Regional Judicial and Legal Service Commission of the Caribbean Court of Justice, Trinidad and Tobago; Newspaper Columnist; Economist at the United Nations, New York; later a Diplomat there; Legal Adviser of the Bahamas Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Guest Scholar at the Brookings Institution, an economics think tank in Washington D.C.
Former President of the Organization of Commonwealth Caribbean Bar Associations and of the Bahamas Bar Association, he held leadership positions in several other lawyers’ organizations, such as the International Bar Association (IBA), the World Jurist Association, and the Inter-American Bar Association.
Multilingual, he lived, studied and worked in Canada, Europe, UK, US and other jurisdictions. He has written widely. He also co-edited the book “Poverty, Justice and the Rule of Law” for the IBA. He founded over eleven years ago the annual ADR and Investment Summit: Caribbean, Latin America and Other Emerging Markets. He is also Chair of the International and Western Hemisphere, Arbitration, Adjudication and Mediation Center (IWHAAM).
He holds an LLM from Jesus College Cambridge and a PhD from Johns Hopkins University in international law, among other degrees and awards. He was called to the Bars of the Bahamas, England and Wales, Antigua- Barbuda, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, and Turks and Caicos Islands.