Rahul Kumar

Rahul Kumar is a budding lawyer in his penultimate year of a five year B.A.LL.B.(H) program from the Law College Dehradun Faculty of Uttaranchal University, India. He has a strong inclination towards Commercial law and he wants to pursue his career in the same. As a student, he has participated in several competitions and seminars relating to Arbitration, Mediation, Constitutional law, International Law, Data Protection and privacy laws. He has also authored several articles on different areas of law like Media law, Data Protection Law, Arbitration and Mediation, and also on some social and constitutional issues. In order to gain practical experience, Rahul has worked with several renowned lawyers, Judges and top-tier law firms in India and abroad. Apart from these, he has also attended several courses and training programmes in Arbitration and Mediation in order to carry forward his interest and learn the substantive provisions of law.
Rahul is an associate member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (ACIArb) and a Young Member of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA), Young Singapore International Arbitration Centre (YSIAC), Mumbai Center for International Arbitration (MCIA), London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), The Center for American and International Law (CAIL) and International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
Rahul was the convener of his College Moot Court Society and a founding member of Training and Recruitment Division (TRD). He currently heads the student wing of Youth Bar Association of India (YBAI), a registered body working for upliftment of justice in India.
He is currently associated with the Supreme Court of India Mediators and has assisted them in conducting webinars & lectures amidst the pandemic. The pandemic has given Rahul an opportunity to learn and become well equipped with technology turning himself into a techno lawyer !