Shreyas Jayasimha
Mr. Shreyas Jayasimha represents clients across industry and advises corporaƟons on issues of insider
trading, regulatory invesƟgaƟons, fraud and corporate governance. Shreyas is a trained mediator. He
has been appointed as arbitrator domesƟcally and internaƟonally in various maƩers over the years.
He was the co-counsel for the State party in two significant investment treaty arbitraƟons. He
represents clients before various Tribunals, High Courts and the Supreme Court of India.
He is the founder of Aarna Law. He has more than 23 years of experience in litigation, and domestic
and international dispute resolution. He also co-founded Aarna ADR, now called Simha Law,
Mr. Shreyas Jayasimha is the only India-based representative of the ICC-FraudNet that formed the
Asset Recovery Group India (ARGI). Shreyas is a member of the Foundation for International
Arbitration Advocacy (FIAA), Geneva, the National Coordinator for the UNCITRAL National
Coordination Committee of India (UNCCI) and a member of the Mumbai Centre for International
Arbitration (MCIA) Council. He is also appointed as member of arbitration law in India. Mr. Shreyas
is also the Vice-Chair of LAWASIA UNCITRAL Committee and regularly participates in deliberations
of the Working Group – III on investor state dispute settlement.
He read law at the National Law School of India University and was a Chevening Scholar at the
University of Warwick.