Timothy Parker
Tim Parker practices as a barrister in Hong Kong (Denis Chang’s Chambers) and the United Kingdom (Blackstone Chambers). His practice focuses on public and international law, competition and regulatory matters, and commercial litigation. Tim has acted in a number of notable LGBTQ-related cases before the Hong Kong courts and elsewhere. Notable cases include QT v Director of Immigration (2018) 21 HKCFAR 324 (striking down as discriminatory the Immigration Department’s exclusion of same-sex couples from its dependant visa policy), Infinger, Nick v The Hong Kong Housing Authority [2020] 1 HKLRD 1188 (declaring unlawful the exclusion of same-sex couples from public rental housing) and Day & Anor v The Governor of the Cayman Islands [2022] UKPC 6 and Kattina Anglin v The Governor of the Cayman Islands (Cause No. G169 of 2020) (both concerning same-sex marriage and partnership rights in the Cayman Islands). Tim holds an LLM (Cambridge), LLB (HKU) and BA (Melbourne).